Everyone talks about the benefits of having an engaged workforce, attracting the best talent and employee retention, but few do the work to keep the relationships solid.
Some employers felt blind-sided by the “great resignation” or “great re-shuffling” or finding out after the fact that the workforce wanted flexibility in their work-life. When you have the research and the pulse on your workforce and the marketplace, there is no “blind side.” You see clearly and can adjust your strategy so that talent and knowledge doesn’t go out the door, only to give that knowledge to your competition.
Having a market research partner like PMR will tell you what you need to know about the current and future state of work, wherever your employees are. Diversity and inclusion can’t just be a hollow platitude that is not put into an actionable strategy. Gone are the days of the long interview process, in person posing and salary negotiation. Your brand should speak for itself and every employee should be a champion of the brand.
Marketing and communications synergy
It order to “walk the talk,” your market research should support your public persona as an organization worthy of a new employees’ time, energy and association. Market research supports what you say about yourself with facts and figures that are beyond scrutiny.
With social media and instantaneous messaging, if you are not being transparent about your culture and what it is like to work there, the public and past and present employees will do it for you. Control your own messages for optimal success and the attraction of the best talent.